Pastoral Support
Pastoral-Support-Team 2024
Personal and Social Education
RC-RSHPE-Parent-Presentation-Third-Fourth-Level-March-2020 (1) RC-RSHPE-Parent-Presentation-Senior-Phase-March-2020 (1) Personal and Social Education
Educational Psychology Service
The Ed Psych Service is trying to bring together some of the supports available in these difficult times. There is information on the home page of their Blog for staff/parents and a whole section of resources, separated out into different age ranges, advice for parents, online courses & helplines.
Child Protection
Renfrewshire school CP guidance leaflet
LifeLink Youth School Counselling Referral
Youth School Referral Document
Youth Philanthropy Initiative
S3 pupils are participating in YPI during PSE. It is launched in January and groups are now gathering information regarding their chosen charity to prepare a presentation. One of the purposes of YPI is to raise awareness of social issues in pupils’ local community and YPI believes that a visit to their charity or indeed inviting the charity into the school is not only an incredible learning experience for the young person but can build a much greater awareness of how important support is for a small charity. Pupils are encouraged to make arrangements to visit the charity in their own time however sometimes it takes place during the school day as to suit the charity, If so there are further advice attached including copies of parental consent forms:
YPI Organising Charity Visit Checklist
PSE Course Outlines by Year Group
S1 week by week PSE Programme 2019-2020
Week by Week Programme 2019 2020
S3 PSE Programme Week by Week draft!!
Planner 2019-2020 (part1) S5 PSE